Player ceriseorange posted a message on 01/11 09:47 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: The grass is soft and deep Charles VAN LERBERGHE ! (1861-1907). Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  The grass is soft and deep Charles VAN LERBERGHE ! (1861-1907)
01/11/2015 09:47:40

Charles VAN LERBERGHE ! (1861-1907)

The grass is soft and deep

The grass is soft and deep
Under the hanging branches,
Heavy with fruits and white flowers;
Heavy with intoxicating scent,
And sweet with shade. We lie there;
a deaf sleep flows in the blood.

And the branches lower and bend,
and caress you with long grazes,
caress you and lift
you up from the earth gently;
and the tree takes you in its strong arms,
the joyful and trembling
tree that shines in the light.

He embraces you and rocks you in the air,
and we are him, we are his sap,
his fruitful strength, and we tremble
in his budding flowers, and his fruits,
in his thousands of light leaves;
we breathe in his breath, we perfume the earth.

And one awakens as a fruit falls,
a heavy and bright fruit,
in the deep grass,

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