Player dume2a24 posted a message on 07/03 11:02 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: Accumulative jet lag points. Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Accumulative jet lag points
07/03/2011 11:02:23

Hello, is it normal that my points accumulated today in jet lag are not cumulated with those of yesterday Sunday while my week is from Tuesday to Tuesday... This makes me lose a day when I could cumulate these points, indeed instead of making a week of games at 7 days, I find myself with a week of games at 6 days and therefore finds myself disadvantaged compared to the other players.

A brief explanation would be welcome. Merc

07/03/2011 14:20:13


I also have most of the games whose sales were stopped last night!

Could we have an explanation of what's going on


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