Player oceane3107 posted a message on 05/12 13:12 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: Mega-Contest ranking..... Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Mega-Contest ranking....
05/12/2010 13:12:27

Hello everyone 😂 I would like

to know at what time the last update is done on Monday evening and therefore at what time we can take for granted the "finalized" ranking?
I strangely noticed a difference between my ranking at 11:40 p.m. last Monday, and my real place on Tuesday morning.... 🤔 Thank


07/12/2010 19:31:23

Good evening, Oceane.

Of course, it is not really possible to check, but it is a matter of trust with MadWin. The classification is done in a computerized way. Official results are usually announced around 3am and your points are credited.

Have a good evening!


🍸 You have to warm up!

Date of message edition 07/12/2010 19:35:24

07/12/2010 19:26:20

The ranking must be updated every hour or every 2 hours so it is impossible to know its exact ranking but you can get an idea.

If we see that we are ranked 995th at 23:50 there is a strong chance of being ranked after the 1000 at midnight, but if we are ranked 750th, we can be sure to be in the top 1000.
The problem arises rather if we are 10th, 480th or 970th for example.

The calculation of the ranking takes resources from the MadWin server (computer) and therefore cannot be updated all the time / instantly.
If it were possible to have his ranking in real time, I think MadWin would have done it.

06/12/2010 23:00:53

Good evening!

Thank you for your answers but I always wonder...
I've read the title of the Mega Challenge myself and I know it stops at 11:59pm and 59s; but it doesn't tell me if we can take into account the ranking before the midnight break...
If the last update is made at 0:00 am, then we have no Mode knowing the final ranking before the announcement made the next day by the MadWin team....
So there's no Mode check it.... 😠

06/12/2010 21:48:28

🙋 Quite

right master capello 😂 as usual 😂 Just for that you deserve a 🍸 Have a good end of the evening

and see you soon at 🎤

06/12/2010 19:17:51

Hello everyone 😂 I would

like to know at what time the last update is done on Monday evening and therefore at what time we can take for granted the "finalized" ranking?
I strangely noticed a difference between my ranking at 23h40 last Monday, and my real place on Tuesday morning... 🤔 Thank


Good evening! 🙋 The

scores are updated regularly on the site (24 hours a day) so your place can change several times from 23:40 the next morning.
As for the mega challenge of the week, unless I'm mistaken, the counters stop on Monday evening at 23h59:59.

Have a good evening

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