Player chevalier3000 posted a message on 05/09 12:25 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: MadWin banned from McDonnalds. Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  MadWin banned from McDonnalds
05/09/2010 12:25:08


I don't know if you've tried it but when I connect via wifi from a mcdonalds, I can't access MadWin. The site is blocked by their filter in the category "gambling".

Is there anything we can do about that? At first I could divert the filter through the ip address of the site but now it doesn't work anymore.

09/09/2010 02:05:31

They must have confused it, it must be an automatic filter. You can always go and report it to them. 🤔

06/09/2010 22:09:59

Good evening,

the only thing left for you to do is to stop setting foot at MCDO and company.

Good evening 🎤

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