Player biche0282 posted a message on 16/04 15:28 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: THE WHEEL. Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  THE WHEEL
17/04/2007 09:39:20

I didn't stop sending them any yesterday afternoon but he told me that there was nothing he could do since for them my prize was validated!!

this morning I connect and oh surprise I can exchange it!!

thanks web master🌹

16/04/2007 16:14:13

Hello 🙋 no

your lot is not yet validated, we will check whatprizes going on so you can exchange it.
Feel free to send a message back to Customer Service to request that this prize can be exchanged.

Good games!

The Web'.

16/04/2007 15:28:20

Hello (sick),

I won at the wheel at the beginning of the afternoon and I wanted to try my luck for the laptop..... but no, I only had the perfect Desaccord dvd!!!
I immediately wanted to exchange it and the... impossible!!!!!
I immediately sent an email to the key service of this great site and now he tells me that it is impossible to exchange it because the dvd is validated and therefore close to being sent!!!!!(oo)
I do not stop sending them emails (since for me has the screen and is "waiting") but they do not want to hear anything.....
Has this ever happened to you?

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