Player foilience posted a message on 29/09 13:45 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: anniversary. Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  anniversary
16/10/2007 18:31:41

I thank all is all especially for the 500 madpoint more than I had really too nice the webmasters and customer service thank you also for your answers those who write me recognize themselves I had a pleasant surprise by my mother I would say more to mommy she held my places to see CELINE DION on 17 but next super I have song of having a mom like mine all the while mondre not that and in addition a book of her she has well simmered ca good to go soon

16/10/2007 16:44:08

🙋 happy birthday FOILIENCE A thousand
apologies for this slight delay ! ! 🌹 !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ruby62

16/10/2007 07:38:27

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15/10/2007 16:53:31

foilience to write: : : : wave: I
want to address to those who take care of this site I want nothing more than the 15th of October the day of my birthday you wish it to me that's all I ask Hello foilience

🙋 Well here I am wishing you

a happy birthday with lots of 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Good end of the day and champagne 🎤

15/10/2007 07:56:21

foilience wrote: thank you to the
one who answered me

🌹🌹JOYEUX ANNIERSAIRE, and all full of 🌹🌹 to wish you!!!!!!!!!!

15/10/2007 00:19:44

It's October 23rd so think of me 😂

13/10/2007 20:51:15

I was on October 12th, and I received 500mini madpoints!

12/10/2007 21:45:59

foilience wrote: thank you to the
person who answered my question Hello foilience

🙋 Thank you for your

thanks, but know that I am not part of Madwin's staff 😀 I MadWin a

bottle of champagne in the fridge and I will consume it thinking of you 🌹 Have a good late night 🌹

11/10/2007 20:50:46

thank you to the one who answered me

02/10/2007 13:08:37

Hello foilience 🌹

Well we'll follow you in your post, so for me it's next January 12th 🎤 The

next time you leave your birthday 😀

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