Player ferarepasser posted a message on 08/11 16:10 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: Quiz. Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Quiz
10/11/2007 23:59:20

hello...I don't play the quiz but if you have a blank page problem it might be your customer service they might be able to fix you the problem...good luck to you.....

Good evening and good games

09/11/2007 10:21:29

🙋 it can happen some days when the games do not work, for this problem contact customer service, good day

09/11/2007 09:46:48

will make you go back to writing: today
the quiz doesn't work...white from the 2nd question...Am I the only one to lose all my parts?]]🙁 Rounds you lost

your parts because of
Rounds Madwin Rounds, contact customer MadWin and explain your problem, they will probably give you back some parts.

But then, if it blocks, forget it and try another game instead of frying your Rounds for nothing 😉

08/11/2007 16:10:49

today the quiz doesn't work...white from the 2nd question...Am I the only one who loses all my Rounds?]]🙁

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