Player vilainange posted a message on 02/02 18:26 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: Poker Mafia. Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players
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Okay I didn't think it was restricted because when I registered on the site about a year and a half ago there was no blocking and I was earning a lot of points in free version too bad it's not like that anymore 😢 thanks
For All Games except scratch game games the number of MadPoint is limited to 150 indeed.
So in mafia poker knowing that 5pt = 11 MadPoint , 50pt = 110madpoint, so no need to have more than 70pt, after that we won't win more than 150madpoint.
On the other hand in scratch game I already won 500 MadPoint in mars scratching, 500 in madcourse and 1000 in Jetlag.
Hello, unless I'm mistaken about these gamesthe number of madpoints obtained is "limited" to 150 for the free version, I noticed the same thing in chic poker.