Player filoxera posted a message on 23/01 22:36 on the ZooValley & CadoVillage Forum: twister. Answer him on ZooValley & CadoVillage and exchange with other players

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Subject :  twister
20/06/2006 18:42:45

I too the same way I get to max 9000 yen that go up to 14000 yen I was able to start doing that !kisses to all monde🌹

23/01/2006 22:36:13

😀😉😂😂😂 Hello everyone. I'd like to know how some people get to cores that go beyond the 10,000 to twister. Despite my efforts and many Rounds I can't even get half of it. Can anyone help me and advise me?
Thank you and to bientot🗎🍻

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